Monday, March 28, 2016

Post #9

    The flipped classroom is an interesting technique to use in a school.  This is when the students do all of the viewings and lectures at home, by watching short videos explaining the material.  Then the students devote their class time to working on projects and other assignments or discussions.  When using this type of classroom setting, chat programs, discussion forums and other social media objects (like blogs and wikis) all come into play and play a huge role.  Students can access all of these items at home, where the flipped classroom setting takes place.
     Most web-based resources are official and scholarly sites that use accurate information to support your lesson plans.  As a teacher, I would hope to use sites such as PBS (if I do end up working with younger kids), or any valid sites that end in .org, which usually supply informational data that can be found accurate.
     After completing the PowerPoint project, I have learned the new skills of the hyperlink/action button tool.  This is a simple tool to use, and can be very useful if I need to make a quiz or a jeopardy game.  I liked this assignment, more so than some of the other assignments we've had to do in this class.  There wasn't really anything that I didn't like about the assignment.  In the future, maybe I can add more questions for my students to answer.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Post #8

     After reading Chapter 12, I believe 3D printing will be making a lot more appearances in schools as we see technology advance.  There are so many cool and useful things that the 3D printer can make.  I saw an article online that one boy 3D printed his own braces, only for the price of $60, which can really benefit schools, considering that is pretty cheap compared to the actual cost of braces.  I truly do believe that 3D printers are going to make a huge difference in the school system one day.
     The podcast we had to listen to discusses the digital divide.  I believe I am on the side with the most technology.  I do luckily have a lot of access to technology, such as television, phones and computers.  However, the other side isn't as economically and socially advanced to be a part of this side, and doesn't have access to as much technology as we do.  The digital divide can affect the future classroom I hopefully one day will teach in by displaying the different types of technology that the students have access to.  Some students will have a cell phone or a tablet/computer, while others may not.  Hopefully the school I teach in will have enough money to fund the students and provide laptops or computers for them to work on in class.
     After doing the PowerPoint project, I learned several new skills that can be useful for future projects and presentations such as making animations and inserting tables.  These skills can be used for my future lesson plans in a classroom.  I liked the project as a whole, it was very easy.  There wasn't really anything that I disliked about the project.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Post #7

     Powerpoint can be used to make many different types of presentations.  To use Powerpoint for representing each level of Bloom's Taxonomy can be simple.  One can put a picture of the entire taxonomy pyramid.  Then the person making the Powerpoint can go into each level on different slides, and explain them in a creative way.
     Adaptive technologies, or assistive technologies help aid in helping students or people with disabilities.  These can be very useful when dealing with someone who needs a specific type of equipment or technology to process the information being taught.  These types of technology can include things such as subtitles or closed captioning for a person who is deaf, or even a basic calculator to help aid in assistance to a person solving a problem.
     The web page design assignment was a pretty easy assignment.  I learned how to use the website "weebly", which I can hopefully use sometime in the future.  However, the website was not cooperative sometimes, for example when I tried to highlight the words and make them a different color, it took several tries for it to finally work.  I can improve my site next time by adding a little more information!  This can be used in my future career if I do pursue a career in teaching, I can make a teacher website for myself.
Link to website: